
Menopausal symptoms such as flushes and sweats can be extremely distressing particularly as they can often continue for several years.

Journal Maturitas

Mr Hextall has significant expertise in this area, and he is a recognised British Menopause Society (BMS) menopause specialist. For several years, he has also been on the Editorial Board of the Journal Maturitas – which focuses on problems around the menopause and beyond.

An international journal of midlife health and beyond

Official Journal of the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS). Affiliated with the Australasian Menopause Society (AMS).

Maturitas is an international multidisciplinary peer reviewed scientific journal of midlife health and beyond publishing original research, reviews, consensus statements and guidelines, and mini-reviews. The journal provides a forum for all aspects of postreproductive health in both genders ranging from basic science to health and social care.

Topic areas include: • Aging • Alternative and Complementary medicines • Arthritis and Bone Health • Cancer • Cardiovascular Health • Cognitive and Physical Functioning • Epidemiology, health and social care • Gynecology/ Reproductive Endocrinology • Nutrition/ Obesity Diabetes/ Metabolic Syndrome • Menopause, Ovarian Aging • Mental Health • Pharmacology • Sexuality • Quality of Life

Maturitas provides a lively and high visibility platform to encourage new insights and exchange of important new developments between researchers, clinicians and care providers in the field of midlife health to promote a personalized approach to healthy aging.

We offer Fast Track publication for clinical trials and research articles which present ground-breaking results that justify rapid dissemination. Articles accepted through this route can expect a final editorial decision in under 7 weeks. Accepted articles are published online (as Articles-in-Press) in less than 5 weeks.

Articles submitted for this route will be checked by the Editor-in-Chief to determine if the criterion for fast publication has been met; if not, articles will be redirected to the normal route of category article.

 View Journal Maturitas

 View Editorial Board

As well as helping many women in clinic, Mr Hextall also spent many years conducting research on the effect of female hormones with Professor Linda Cardozo at King's College Hospital and was award an MD by the University of London (2000) - "The Effect of Oestrogen and the Menopause on the Female Lower Urinary Tract."

In view of Andrew's expertise he was also asked to appear on Radio Verulam to talk about the Menopause and the different treatment options available.

Menopausal problems


Mr Hextall was pleased to receive positive feedback from a patient he recently helped who was having extremely distressing menopausal problems:

"I was referred to Mr Hextall by my GP after suffering from severely debilitating menopausal symptoms. Having previously had breast cancer, I believed that no treatment was possible and that only years of misery lay ahead. Mr Hextall could not have been more understanding, sympathetic and kind. With his guidance and advice, within 5 days I felt better! Mr Hextall truly gave me back my life and I could not be more grateful to him. I would thoroughly recommend him as an expert in understanding menopausal symptoms and how to treat them effectively."